Is mediaTion about cutting deals?

✅ Ask Us: “Isn't workplace mediation just about cutting deals? You win one, I win one?” sent in by a local union business manager.

No. Not at all. Far from it.

An excerpt from “Resolved!”©️written by Thornton Mason.

“A true story. A while back a rather contentious twosome of directors from a small sized non-profit called me about mediation.

After years of bad blood between them they had decided to explore mediation as a means of improving their head-banging relationship.

Initially their conversations with me were stiff, formal. They were not ready to give up their carefully chosen and cautious words supporting their viewpoints.

After some time they both shared that they worried about reporting back to the Executive Director - fearing that mediation had a reputation of cutting bad deals for expediency's sake.

I assured them that mediation would arm them with an array of factual reasons for each decision they made. And that they would be able to persuade others by discussing mutual goals, alternatives, options, and why those options benefited all.

Importantly, we discussed that they would not be turning their points of view over to me for a determination. Instead, they would be exploring the linkage between stated goals and brainstormed solutions and deciding for themselves what was best.

They asked how to approach any settlements. I suggested informal agreements as a first step, with more substantial obligations in the future.

A note: A mediator not only offers "day of" services but also early guidance. And a mediator's duty includes setting expectations and putting to rest understandable fears about the method - such as it being called a cynical "deal cutting” choice.

Follow up with the participants by the mediator is also an important part of the mediation.

BTW: I held three separate mediations over two years with these clients. And now? They use our framework for problem resolution - an approach they didn’t have before.

They aren’t cutting deals. They are making solid business decisions. And doing so on their own.”


Why Mediation?

How Mediation Works

Winning With Mediation