Where do union dues go?

✅ Ask Us: “Where do local union dues go?” sent in by Bob Miller, upcoming voter, Starbucks.

An excerpt from “Anticipate!” ©️written by Thornton Mason.

“The most common expenses are:

1. Supporting the national organization. Unions are often large, bureaucratic, and complex organizations that spend local dues on staff and perks.

2. Collective bargaining. A smaller portion of local union dues go to support collective bargaining efforts, including negotiating and enforcing contracts on behalf of members.

3. Organizing and outreach. Many local unions use dues to fund organizing and outreach efforts, such as recruiting new members and building community partnerships.

4. Local administration. Local union dues also have to cover their own administrative expenses such as staff salaries, office rent, and other operational costs.

5. Political activities. Depending on the national union's policies and priorities, some portion of local dues may be used to support political campaigns or lobbying efforts on behalf of issues important to union, both local and national.

All income and expenses are public information. The facts are the facts.”
