What unions promise

✅ Ask Us: "What can we expect to hear from union organizers? The top 10 claims?" sent in by a retail chain coffee shop owner.

An excerpt from “Anticipate!” ©️written by Thornton Mason.

“None of these organizer claims can be guaranteed, of course, although they will be presented to employees as assured. And remember, none will happen without the agreement of the employer.

1. Collective bargaining power: Our union will negotiate better wages, benefits, and working conditions on your behalf. We can get you higher pay, less expensive benefits, and safer working conditions.

2. Job security: Our members have more protection against layoffs or firing because we negotiate contracts that include job security provisions.

3. Representation: We advocate for our members' interests and protect you from unfair treatment. We provide our members legal representation and support in cases of discrimination, harassment, or other workplace issues.

4. Alternatives to employer benefits: We can offer members access to better health care, retirement savings plans, and other benefits than the ones your company has, if you prefer.

5. Training and development: We offer our own training and development programs to help members improve skills and advance in their careers.

6. Job satisfaction: Union members feel more empowered and engaged in their work, knowing that they have a say in their working conditions and are part of a larger community that supports them.

7. Solidarity: Employees join a union to show solidarity with their coworkers and to support a collective effort to improve working conditions for everyone. Unions have your interest at heart.”


Why Avoid Unions?

How Union Campaigns Work

Winning Your Union Campaign